Page 83 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 83

3 18 [D]raw you onto the very bed upon which I was conceived Chochma/Sophia was conceived in in YHVH YHVH and draws you into YHVH YHVH that you might know the the Unformed and the the Formed as one dynamic Process 3 20 Set Me as as a a a a a a a a seal upon upon your your heart and as as a a a a a a a a sign upon upon your your arm Setting Chochma/Sophia as a a a a a a a seal on your your heart means refining your your feelings to to be in in in service to to Her Setting Chochma/Sophia as a a a a sign upon your your arm means devoting all your your actions to Her Refining feelings and devoting actions to Wisdom is is crucial in in that it allows you see where and how you can be a a a a a blessing to all the the families of the the earth 3 26 I am a a a a a a refuge of peace peace Be careful not to equate “peace” with “calm” or or or “tranquility” or or or a a a a life without strife or or or suffering Peace here is shalom from from the the Hebrew root sh-l-m from from which comes the the word shalem wholeness Wisdom doesn’t bring an absence of suffering but the realization that suffering is is simply an inevitable part of life Listen to Job: “Accept the the good and the the bad from God”13 listen to Isaiah: “I happen as as as as Light I I I I happen happen happen as as as as Darkness I I I I happen happen happen as as as as Good I I I I happen happen happen as as as as Evil I I I I YHVH happen as all this” 14 Listen to Lord Krishna: “All life is is is is Me manifest I am the source of all all creation creation and to to Me all all creation creation returns” 15 Listen to to Lao Tzu: “Tao manifests manifests manifests one one one one manifests manifests manifests two two two two manifests manifests manifests three three manifests all all things” 16 Peace then is is realizing that all all things things arise from play out in and return to the nondual reality that is called by many names: YHVH Allah Brahman Tao etc This realization is is the refuge Chochma/Sophia offers Chapter Four
4 4 1-14 I am am When Moses inquires after the name of God God God’s first response is Ehyeh Ehyeh asher Ehyeh Ehyeh most commonly translated as as “I Am that I I I Am” or “I Am Am Am Becoming Becoming what I I I Am Am Am Becoming” 17 Only after revealing
13 Job 2:10
14 Isaiah 45:7
15 Bhagavad Gita 7:6
16 Tao te te Ching Chapter 42 17 Exodus 3:14

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