Page 4 - Book V Unit 2
P. 4

Xie Lei also found many courses included         feels much more at home in the UK. What seemed
                students’ participation in class as part of the final   strange before now appears quite normal to her.
                result. Students need to generate ideas, offer   “Engaging in British culture has helped,” she said.
                examples, apply concepts, and raise questions,   “As well as studying hard, I’ve been involved
                as well as give presentations. At first, Xie Lei had   in social activities. British people are fascinated
                no idea what she should say, but what surprised   by our culture and eager to learn more about it,
                her was that she found herself speaking up in    so I’m keen to share my culture with them. While
                class after just a few weeks. “My presentation   I’m learning about business, I’m also acting as a
                on traditional Chinese art was a great success,   cultural messenger building a bridge between us.”
                which boosted my confidence,” she said. “I’ll use
                                                                 We will follow Xie Lei’s progress in later editions,
                these skills back home for presentations. They’ll
                                                                 but for now, we wish her all the best.
                help me build a strong business in the future.”

                Now halfway through her exchange year, Xie Lei

                3  Why did Xie Lei have the following feelings during her year studying abroad?
                    Make sentences using “Xie Lei felt/feels … because …” according to the

                     excited    nervous    comforted    confused    surprised    confident    feel at home

                4  Take notes on what you read in the article by filling in the table.

                                              Challenges                          What Xie Lei did

                                                                         learnt to                        ;
                                  adaptation to a whole new life         learnt to                        ;
                  Daily life                                             asked for

                                  loneliness                             lived with

                                                                         got help from                    ;
                                  writing an essay                                          a lot to prepare
                                  participating in                       gave presentation on
                                  and giving

                5  Discuss the following questions in groups.

                    1  Why did Xie Lei choose the exchange programme?
                    2  Why has Xie Lei got involved in social activities?
                    3  How has Xie Lei helped to build bridges between China and the UK?
                    4  What other challenges do you think students studying abroad might face? How can
                        students prepare to handle these challenges before going abroad?

                                                                                     UNIT 2  BRIDGING CULTURES   15
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