Page 5 - Book V Unit 2
P. 5

Using Language

               Express your opinions on studying abroad

               1  A local newspaper has invited parents to share their opinions about studying
                   abroad. Read these two letters and underline each writer’s main points. Then
                   mark the reasons for their opinions.

                            STUDYING ABROAD: IS IT A GOOD OR A BAD IDEA?

             Dear Editor,                                      Dear Editor,
                In the past few decades, there has been a dramatic   Is studying abroad a good idea or not? There
             increase in the number of people studying abroad.   are certainly disadvantages, but in my opinion, the
             Although studying abroad can bring great benefits, I   advantages are much greater. As I always tell my son,
             think the disadvantages for young people are greater.  there are no great difficulties for a person who is brave,
                To begin with, many students who study abroad face   optimistic, and willing to work hard!
             great economic pressure. That means studying abroad   The first advantage of studying abroad is personal
             is just not possible for everyone. Tuition fees and living   growth. The education you gain and the experiences
             expenses are much more expensive than at home and   you have will change you for the better. For example,
             could end up costing most families an arm and a leg.   you will certainly become more independent because
             Studying in China is much more convenient and can   you will have to deal with all kinds of difficulties by
             help save money.                                  yourself. Studying abroad also helps you to gain a global
                Another important factor to consider is the    perspective and improve your general competence.
             tremendous pressure that comes with studying         Another advantage is the increased chance for cultural
             abroad. Students must learn how to live in an     exchange. Chinese students can be seen as cultural envoys
             unfamiliar environment with limited language skills.   promoting friendship between nations. International
             Some may struggle and suffer from culture shock   students in China also bring their colourful cultures
             when learning how to behave in new surroundings.   here. Cooperating with people from diverse cultural
             Other students are not mature enough to handle    backgrounds helps us view the world from different angles
             the challenges by themselves and may become       and thus gives us more insight into our own culture.
             depressed. Some students might even encounter        Finally, studying abroad provides a great opportunity
             problems with personal safety. In addition, different   to contribute to the development of our motherland.
             approaches to teaching and learning may come as a   China’s global outlook, with projects such as the Belt
             shock to many students.                           and Road Initiative, has helped us make connections
                A final point to consider is that while studying   across the world. Therefore, China needs more talented
             abroad does have potential benefits, young people   young people with a global perspective who are
             who study in China also have a great future to look   highly competent with languages, have leadership and
             forward to! As China has boomed, the educational   organisational skills, and have strong cultural awareness.
             environment has improved significantly, with many   Students who study abroad will develop such skills and
             great universities now available. They have great   abilities, and these in turn will provide them with better
             facilities and outstanding professors, helping to educate   career opportunities.
             young people who will contribute to the economy and   All in all, studying abroad helps to build character
             further strengthen our country.                   and increase people’s understanding of cultural diversity
                To sum up, one cannot deny the fact that studying   while strengthening China and building a shared future
             abroad has its disadvantages, so when you think about   for all. I think this life-changing experience is certainly
             studying abroad, you should consider these many   worthwhile, and I hope my child will study abroad in the
             factors.                                          future.
             Kind regards,                                     Sincerely yours,
             Wang Li (mother of twin girls)                    Zhang Yi (father of one boy)

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