Page 4 - Book IV Unit 2
P. 4

send a warning to your phone. It will also   there is a short in the electrical wiring, your
                     give you suggestions on a healthier diet    smart home will detect it and provide you
                     and how to sleep better. Smart toilets will   with the relevant information. This way,
                     be keeping constant track of your health    you will be able to fix the problem before
                     as well. They can warn you early on if      your home becomes flooded or catches fire.
                     there is something abnormal or if you
                     have a critical illness, such as cancer, and   This smart technology is not a fantasy.
                     potentially save your life.                 Many of these new innovations are already
                                                                 available and being used in some homes. In
                     No More Disasters                           this sense, the home of tomorrow is already
                     Smart homes will be able to prevent         the home of today. Nevertheless, it will
                     serious damage from accidents. For          take some years before most new homes
                     example, if a water pipe starts leaking, or if   begin to use this new technology.

                3  Read the text again and fill in the table below.

                  In the future, what will smart homes do about …?

                  doors                                         dinners

                  TVs, computers                                beds

                  water pipes,                                  toilets
                  electrical wires

                  lights, favourite music, or TV programmes

                4  Complete the summary using the correct forms of the words from the text.

                    A smart home is one that i           computers into the structure of the building itself. In this
                    way, many of the things that we now do ourselves will become a           . For example, the
                    smart home could control the air conditioning and lights so that you would no longer have to
                    turn s           on and off, making your home more energy-e             . The smart home
                    could also m            itself to make sure that everything is working as it should, and send
                    you w             if there is a problem. Such smart homes could even be programmed to
                    d            your health problems, and then give you r           advice as to the food you
                    should eat or if you should see a doctor. So, in a sense, smart homes will lead us to living smarter

                5  Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
                    1  In what way is the home of tomorrow already the home of today?

                    2  What might be some of the disadvantages of smart homes?

                                                                               UNIT 2  LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE   15
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