Page 6 - Book IV Unit 2
P. 6

1   A person died in an accident while driving a car.                          T      F
                    2   The Amish avoid new technology because they do not want to have good lives.    T  F
                    3   Many disasters have been prevented by weather-tracking computer programs.    T    F
                    4   Building large networks through social media helps us find new opportunities.    T  F
                    5   The author uses a health monitor to know how much exercise he/she needs.    T     F

                2  Answer the following questions about the text.

                    1   In which paragraphs does the author:
                        •  describe the issue?                                 Signposts
                                                                               Some words and phrases are used as
                        •  give an opinion?                                    signposts to help show a paragraph’s
                        •  discuss the advantages?                             purpose. These usually come at the
                                                                               beginning or end of a paragraph.
                        •  discuss the disadvantages?
                    2   Underline the signpost words or phrases in the text. How do they help tell us the purpose of the
                    3   Why did the author decide to write about this topic?

                3  Use what you have learnt to express your opinion in an essay about the changes
                    that could be caused by advances in technology.

                    1   Work in groups. Brainstorm some future advances in technology, and their possible advantages
                        and disadvantages.

                             Advance in technology           Advantage               Disadvantage

                    2   Choose one of these advances in technology and answer the questions.
                        •  Why do you want to write about this topic?

                        •  What is your own opinion on the topic?
                    3   Write your opinion in an essay.

                4  Exchange your draft with a partner.

                    1   Use the checklist to help you review your partner’s draft.
                          Does the essay say what the writer thinks about the topic?
                          Does the body discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the advance?

                          Are signposts used to help the reader understand the purpose of each paragraph?
                          Does the conclusion state the writer’s position?
                    2   Take your draft back and revise it.

                5  Share your essay with the rest of the class.

                                                                               UNIT 2  LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE   21
   1   2   3   4   5   6