Page 110 - Rourke Classroom Catalog 2020
P. 110
Book/Series GRL
Saving Water F Scared J School Bus J School Dances, Yes or No U School Uniforms, Yes or No V Science Alliance
Science Fair Success! Q Science in Motion S Science Safety Rules C Scientists Use Tools K Screw M Scrumptious Statistics S Sea Horses K Search and Rescue
Seasonal STEM Challenges
Seasons Of The Freshwater Pond Biome H Seasons Of The Tundra Biome K Seasons, Tides, and Lunar Phases V Secret of the School Suitor N Seeds K Seeds, Bees, and Pollen L Seeing Both Sides 1-3
Seeing Both Sides 3-6
Sequence It! H Sequoia and Kings Canyon U Shaky, Breaky School Sleuth O Shapes in Nature D Shaping the Debate
Sharing C Shh! What’s That Sound? B Simple Machines A Simple Machines
Simple Science Projects S Skateboarding M Skeletons and Exoskeletons N Skills For School Success N Skills For Social Success O Skin E Sky Jumpers Q Sky Spies P Skydiving N Skyscrapers and Towers T Slavery S Social Studies Learning Center GR 1 (ENG)
Social Studies Learning Center GR 2 (ENG)
Social Studies Learning Center GR K (ENG)
Smart Cars T Smartphone Movies R Smartphones in Class, Yes or No S Smokejumpers
Snakes K Snakes In Third Grade! N So Many Classes D So What About Soil? L So You Wanna Be
Soccer R Soccer E Social Lives of Dolphins K Social Lives of Gorillas N Social Lives of Meerkats N Social Media And The Internet O Social Skills
Softball E Soil O Solar Energy U Solar Systems L Solid Or Liquid? D Solids, Liquids, and Gases H Solving Science Questions L Sonya’s Family J Sound P Sound K Sound Moves J Sounds Like Fun S South America S Southern Atlantic Coast Region P Space R Space Camp M Space Discovery M Space Explorers K Space Explorers T Space Face Off O Spacecraft X Spacing Out P Spanish and English Nonfiction C-L Spanish Missions S Speakers F Spelling Numbers
Spiders Are Acrobats! And Other Strange Facts
Spook in the Stacks
Squares and Triangles
Stadiums and Coliseums
Star Powers
Starting with STEAM
State Government
State Guides
State Guides to Birds
State Guides to Capitals
State Guides to Flags
State Guides to Flowers
State Guides to Historic Monuments
State Guides to Trees
Statue of Liberty
Staying Warm, Keeping Cool
STEAM Guides in APP Development
Price Pg #
Book/Series GRL
STEAM Guides in Inventions V STEAM Guides in Transportation T STEAM Guides in TV Production U STEAM Jobs in Agriculture and Food Development W STEAM Jobs in Architecture and Construction U STEAM Jobs in Cybersecurity Y STEAM Jobs in Forensics V STEAM Jobs in Game Development W STEAM Jobs in Internet Technology W STEAM Jobs in Marketing U STEAM Jobs in Photography U STEAM Jobs in Robotics W STEAM Jobs in Social Media W STEAM Jobs in Space Exploration W STEAM Jobs in Wildlife Conservation W STEAM Jobs You’ll Love
Stem N
9781681918075 9781681918082 9781681918099 9781731612861 9781731612854 9781731612878 9781681918433 9781681918426 9781731612847 9781681918419 9781681918440 9781683424659 9781683424642 9781683424673 9781683424666 $10.95 9781731625298 $142.35 9781683424550 $8.95 9781643696324 $275.00
D 9781617419294 M 9781612360362 R 9781643690711 F 9781641562423 N 9781683424284 M 9781617419515
T 9781643691060 X 9781643690889 J 9781683422075 N 9781634305365
9781483815817 9781483815824 9781483815831 9781483815848 9781483815855 9781483815800 9781483815794 9781643696355 9781643696362 9781643696379 9781643696386 9781643696393 9781643696348 9781643696331
C 9781683427537 S 9781681914275 K 9781627178488 G 9781604729597 I 9781731612083 P 9781681914138 N 9781615905461
9781731613783 N 9781627178020 R 9781627177764 D 9781612360096
E 9781731604170 O 9781618103307 9781641565721 O 9781681917795
I 9781683422037 G 9781731612175
K 9781627177535 D 9781683424093 T 9781683424604 F 9781621697794 U 9781681918501 V 9781618102539 G 9781618103093
9781731613868 Q 9781641566469 J 9781643690780 9781615902033
T 9781618102423 F 9781618103000 Q 9781683424383 F 9781683427889 U 9781618102591 C 9781683427643
9781615902293 G 9781641562621
R 9781634300759 9781641565585 I 9781627177658
$8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $7.95 $7.95 $8.95 $8.95 $10.95 $8.95 $9.95 $14.99 $14.99 $14.99 $14.99 $14.99 $14.99 $14.99 $34.95 $34.95 $34.95 $34.95 $34.95 $34.95 $34.95 $8.95 $9.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.25 $9.95 $8.95 $53.70 $8.95 $9.95 $8.95 $7.95 $8.95 $65.70 $13.95 $8.95 $8.25 $8.95 $8.95 $10.95 $8.95 $9.95 $10.95 $8.95 $53.70 $9.95 $7.95 $4.95 $8.95 $8.95 $9.95 $8.95 $10.95 $8.95 $4.95 $7.95 $9.95 $59.70 $8.95
Q 9781731612465 $9.25
Pg #
59, 90, 91 59 58, 59 46 46 46 46, 59 46, 59 46 46, 59 46, 59 46, 59 46, 59 46, 59 46, 59 46 43, 57 59 34 58 58 85, 90, 91 58 58, 59 59 58, 59 58, 59 58, 59 59 59 59 59 90, 91 90, 91 90, 91 44 36, 56, 59, 84 57 77 55, 61, 62, 63 73 85 77 45 40 57 52, 102 53, 102 53, 102 54, 102 54, 102 52, 102 51, 102 52 53 53 54 54 52 51 56, 62, 63, 69 44 41 85 40 57, 73 57, 85 42 43 60 55 37 57, 71 45 58 40 40 57 56 45, 59 36 58, 60, 76 85 56 78 58, 73 38 96, 97 85 55 58, 72 39, 61, 62, 63, 70 85, 90, 91 56, 61, 62, 63, 69 96, 97 62, 63 54 47 59 55 57, 71 48, 70 85, 90, 91 53, 85 56, 62, 63, 70 61, 62, 63, 69 48, 70
9781683427964 9781683421825 9781683422020 9781681914268 9781634304481 9781683424406 $59.70 9781627178693 $10.95 9781641565905 $10.95 9781617419324 $8.95 9781641565523 $8.95 9781643690742 $8.95 9781627178440 $9.95 9781683424246 $8.95 9781731613165 $8.95 97814838415881 $17.99 9781621697947 $8.95 9781621697923 $8.95 9781681914374 $10.95 9781634304832 $10.95 9781600446955 $8.95 9781617419508 $8.95 9781634304443 $53.70 9781681914213 $79.60 9781617419669 $8.95 9781643691114 $10.95 9781634304870 $8.95 9781641562270 $7.95 9781731613981 $59.70 9781618102645 $8.95 9781612360072 $8.95 9781731617774 $6.95 9781643691343 $53.70 9781641565882 $10.95 9781634305402 $10.95 9781618102218 $8.95 9781621697992 $8.95 9781621698005 $8.95 9781683424062 $8.95 9781643690667 $8.95 9781731612335 $8.95 9781634305433 $10.95 9781634305167 $10.95 9781621697275 $10.95 9781681916606 $495.00 9781681916620 $495.00 9781681916583 $495.00 9781643691121 $10.95 9781641565684 $9.95 9781681914244 $9.95 9781731613158 $8.95 9781683421986 $8.95 9781612360324 $8.95 9781683427735 $8.95 9781600447013 $8.95 9781641565936 $59.70 9781681918549 $9.95 9781643690834 $7.95 9781681918013 $8.95 9781681918037 $8.95 9781681918020 $8.95 9781621698029 $8.95 9781621697961 $89.50 9781731604163 $7.95 9781683424536 $8.95 9781617415401 $10.95 9781627178525 $8.95 9781617419287 $8.95 9781731612076 $8.25 9781600447037 $8.95 9781683421887 $8.95 9781589520424 $9.95 9781627172455 $8.95 9781731612069 $8.25 9781681918198 $8.95 9781641565363 $9.95 9781627177986 $9.95 9781606949894 $10.95 9781641566414 $7.95 9781641566445 $7.95 9781731612120 $8.95 9781643691053 $8.95
$8.95 56, 61, 62, 63, 70 $8.95 71 $8.95 40 $9.95 44
$10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95
41 45 58, 90, 91 45, 59, 60 36, 59 40, 59 42 43, 59 57 78 34 56 57 90, 91 57, 74 85 57, 85 41 44 56 46 57, 74 62, 63 46 49, 95 55, 69 36 42 59, 60 60 57, 85 49 49 56, 70 77 42 57 45, 59 47 95 95 95 45 60 44 78 61 71 63, 69 85 75 58, 60 37 57 57 57 49 49 37 43, 57 85 41, 57 36, 56, 59 40 85 71 85 85 40 58, 73 44 57 90, 91 72 72 40 77 57, 58, 73 45 57, 73 61 47 59 96, 97 78 58, 72 36, 56 57 45, 59 72 85 40 43, 57 46 46 46 46, 58 46 46 46 38 59 58, 59
9781683420811 9781683420835 9781683420859
$895.00 $895.00 $895.00
STEM 3-5
STEM Challenges
Stem Guides To Calculating Time
Stem Guides To Maps
Stem Guides To Space
Stem Guides To Sports
STEM Jobs in Fashion and Beauty
STEM Jobs in Food and Nutrition
STEM Jobs in Movies
STEM Jobs in Music
STEM Jobs in Sports
STEM Jobs with Animals
STEM Jobs with Cars
STEM Jobs with the Environment
STEM+ (6th Grade English) for the 21st Century STEM+ (7th Grade English) for the 21st Century STEM+ (8th Grade English) for the 21st Century Stenonychosaurus
Stop and Go, Fast and Slow
Stop Arguing!
Storm Chasers
Street Signs and Symbols
Strudels with Susan B. Anthony
Studying Weather and Climates
Stunt Performers
Submarines and Submersibles
Sugar Glider
Summer Bridge Activities® (1–2) Book
Summer Bridge Activities® (2–3) Book
Summer Bridge Activities® (3–4) Book
Summer Bridge Activities® (4–5) Book
Summer Bridge Activities® (5–6) Book
Summer Bridge Activities® (K–1) Book
Summer Bridge Activities® (PK–K) Book Summer Bridge Essentials 1-2
Summer Bridge Essentials 2-3
Summer Bridge Essentials 3-4
Summer Bridge Essentials 4-5
Summer Bridge Essentials 5-6
Summer Bridge Essentials K-1
Summer Bridge Essentials PK-K
Summer Fruits
Summer School, Yes or No
Sun Power
Sundaes with Harriet Tubman
Super Science
Supreme Court
Swim For It!
Table Wars!
Taking Earth’s Temperature
Tall Tales of Jenny Gold
Taxi Cab
Teaming Up
Telling Time
Tesla Model S
Thanks, NASA!
That’s Not Fair!
That’s Wild!
The Aerial Maneuver
The Alamo
The Alphabet Forwards and Backwards
The Amazing Facts About Sound
The Birdhouse That Jack Built
The Creepy Cathedral
The Dinosaur Museum
The Earth and The Role of Water
The Family Photo
The First 12 Days of School
The First Thanksgiving
The Freedom Trail
The Human Machine
The Internet
The Jungle In My Yard
The King’s New Clothes
The Line Rhyme
The Nervous System
The Night Sky
The Perfect Jack-O’-Lantern
The Perfect Pet
The Pocket Picture
9781483841571 T 9781621697459 U 9781621697404
U 9781621697411
U 9781621697428
T 9781627178228
U 9781627178259
T 9781627178235
S 9781627178211
T 9781627178181
T 9781627178204
T 9781627178242
U 9781627178198 $10.95
B-P 9781643696294 $275.00
$17.99 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95
9781683424314 9781643690896 9781681918129 9781643696140 9781621697282 9781627177665 9781615902170
$8.95 $10.95 $8.95 $275.00 $10.95 $8.95 $4.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $10.95 $47.70 $8.95 $80.55 $8.95 $65.70 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $7.95 $9.95 $10.95
Q 9781731612519 Q 9781683424369 E 9781634300827 N 9781615905492 Q 9781634305174
9781641566384 F 9781604729580
9781731625274 O 9781627178051
9781683424680 S 9781683424710 S 9781683424741
S 9781683424703 S 9781683424734 S 9781683424727 Q 9781683424697 J 9781643690827 R 9781683424512 U 9781681918105
C 9781612360119 $8.95
O 9781612360287 E 9781731604248 Y 9781618102546 N 9781618102256 E 9781683427957 C 9781683427551 F 9781731604231
$8.95 $8.95 $10.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95