Page 111 - Rourke Classroom Catalog 2020
P. 111
The Reconstruction Era
The Scoop About Measuring Matter
The Seasons of The Year
The Shape Song
The Slide Ride
The Spanish In Early America
The Three Billy Goats and Gruff
The Three Little Recyclers
The Tooth Fairy
The Tree Fort
The Trouble With Trading
The Universe
The Venusian Squeeze
The Vowel Family
The Wild West
The Wonderful Water Cycle
Theme-Based Reading GR 1
Theme-Based Reading GR 2
Theme-Based Reading GR 3
Theme-Based Reading GR 4
Theme-Based Reading GR 5
Theme-Based Reading GR K
Theme-Based Reading Social Emotional There’s a Drum in My Ear
There’s Math in My Art
Things That Go
Think Like an Engineer
This Place is a Zoo
Three, Two, One, Blast Off!
Time for a Trim
Time Hop Sweets Shop
Time to Move Peacock!
Time Travel
Toffee with Thomas Edison
Too Much Noise!
Too Much TV
Too Tall Tommy
Touching the Sky
Transportation and Me!
Traveling The Santa Fe Trail
Treasure Hunt
Trick or Treat
Tundra Animals
Turn It Off!
Turn On The Light
Turning Up the Heat
TV Remotes
TV, Yes or No
Twist in Time
Tyrannosaurus Rex
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Army
U.S. Government and Civics
U.S. Marines
Under the Alien Ice
Under the Sea
Understanding Biomes
Understanding Friendship
Understanding Models
Unsolved Crimes
Upcycled Gifts and Gadgets
Using Scientific Tools
Using the Scientific Method
Using Tools To Understand Our World Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day Gifts
Vampires Can Swim! And Other Strange Facts Veterinarian
Video Animation and Photography
Video Games, Yes or No
Visiting U.S. Symbols
Vote for Me!
VROOM! Hot Cars
Vroom! Hot SUVs
Walking the Dragon’s Back
Wally and Molly Go to the Beach
Wants and Needs
War Torn
Washington Monument
Water All Around
Water Is Everywhere!
Water World
Wave Pools
Waves of Light and Sound
We Can Reuse It!
We Have a Box
We Love Our Flag
Weird, True Facts
Weird, True Facts
We’re Going on a Dinosaur Dig
West Coast Region
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
S 9781621697237 $10.95 N 9781618102263 $8.95 O 9781595152961 $6.95
9781615901753 $4.95 E 9781641566285 $8.95 T 9781621697367 $10.95 L 9781612360300 $8.95 K 9781612360164 $8.95 A 9781618103079 $8.95 L 9781612360386 $8.95 M 9781612360348 $8.95 L 9781627178532 $8.95 Q 9781641566483 $9.95
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Pg #
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96, 97 48, 70 47 57 52, 57, 71 55, 69 57, 71 57, 71 41 58, 73 96, 97 60, 76 58, 85 38, 39 40, 41 42, 43 44, 45 46, 47 36, 37 48, 49 62, 63 40, 59 67 45, 58 57, 73 72 71 73 48, 70 43 56 57, 73 55, 69 52, 56 48 72 40, 57 38, 61, 62, 63 40 47 39, 56, 61, 62, 63, 70 57 85 44 39, 56, 61, 62, 63, 69 78 43 45, 59 96, 97 58, 85 45 56, 59 41, 52 73 44 60 58 43 60 58, 73 58, 73 58 48 85, 90, 91 77 77 60 58, 85, 90, 91 58, 90, 91 85 39 60 78 40 60 41 38 58 37 57, 71 76 76 54, 58, 74 61, 62, 63, 69 39 58 38 55, 61, 62, 63 36 85 57 85 57, 59 58 61, 62, 63, 69 56, 62, 63, 69 95, 96, 97 85 42 76 76 55 58 75
Book/Series GRL
What are the U.S. Regions? L What Can I Make? C What Do Birds Eat? E What Do Critters Do In The Winter? L What Do You See? C What Friends Do C What Happens When You Flush? F What I Want to Be F What is a Holiday? E What is a Season? F What Is a Solid? A What Is An Attribute? C What Is It Made Of? E What is Sam Making? D What Is Science? C What is Snow? E What Is This? C What Makes a Family? C What We Eat E What’s A Fraction? E What’s an Election? K What’s in a... Cactus? D What’s in a... Tree? C What’s in the Woods? D What’s On The Food Chain Menu? K What’s The Place Value? F What’s The Weather Like Today? K What’s Your Potential? Y Wheel and Axle M When It Rains E Where Did The Water Go? M Where Do You Want to Travel? G Where Does It Come From? F Where Is It? D Where is My Eraser? C Where is Santa? D Where We Live G Who Counts? C Who Do I Look Like? C Who Makes Rules? C Who Stole the Veggies from the Veggie Patch? C Who’s Mr. Goldfluss? G Who’s Right M Who’s Right, Addition Or Multiplication? G Why Do Animals Eat That? O Why Do Animals Sleep There? K Why Do Animals Sound Like That? L Why Plants Become Extinct Q WILD Action News
Wind Energy U Windmills P Winning By Giving M Winning By Teamwork L Winning By Waiting M Winning By Working N Wolfpack Gang Is Outta Sight! L Women in Science and Technology
World’s Coolest Snakes
Yellowstone V
YIKES! It’s Haunted
You Are A Scientist
You Can’t Wear These Genes Your Family Tree
Your Growing Body
Zap! It’s Electricity!
ISBN Price
9781618102782 $8.95 9781683427582 $8.95 9781641562119 $7.95 9781617419485 $8.95 9781683427636 $8.95 9781641562232 $7.95 9781627177702 $8.95 9781683427933 $8.95 9781641562379 $7.95 9781641562218 $7.95 9781731617798 $6.95 9781615905355 $8.95 9781617419270 $8.95 9781683427988 $8.95 9781595152510 $4.50 9781641562263 $7.95 9781683427544 $8.95 9781641562645 $7.95 9781641562478 $7.95 9781617419614 $8.95 9781618102775 $8.95 9781615905218 $8.95 9781615905164 $8.95 9781641562652 $7.95 9781617419478 $8.95 9781618102089 $8.95 9781617419393 $8.95 9781681914367 $10.95 9781643690988 $8.95
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