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 through them, searching for answers to the questions that pounded in her head. She scanned checklists, instructions, documents, and anything else that they had left on the desk. The more she read, the faster her heart beat. Her mind raced, trying to puzzle together all of the information. Then her eye was caught by a box resting on the floor beside the desk. She opened the flaps and stifled a gasp. She stumbled backward and leaned against the wall, her eyes still fixed on the contents of the box – white lilies.
Lyssa turned towards the door, unable to take any more. She returned to her bed, quietly laying down while her mind raced. Tears burned in her eyes and she was shaking. Her entire world came crumbling down as the pieces started connecting themselves in her head. The Almighty wasn’t the one determining if they could have children, it was those three men. The words she heard from their conversation ran across her mind. Procedure, drug, flower. They must have drugged the water from their prayer. That's why she was still awake; she had forgotten to drink her water. The men must have some sort of medical procedure to determine if they can have children. That's what they were doing to Elaine.
She broke into a fit of sobs. Her entire life, her devotion and her faith, was meaningless. Did the Almighty even exist? How could he stand by and let these men commit atrocities in his name? She was more afraid than ever for her future. If the Almighty couldn’t protect her, who could?
Odeliah and Penelope woke up with their lilies that morning. They were both overjoyed, but Lyssa felt sick to her stomach. She congratulated them and watched them as they made their way to the docks together. There were now six girls left.

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