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 From that night on, Lyssa made sure that she drank her water after her prayer. She was more afraid of what the men would do if they found her awake than she was of the procedure. She never knew when they took her, and she preferred it that way. The knowledge hung heavy with her, and Elaine took notice. Lyssa longed to tell her about what she had learned, but she knew Elaine would never believe her. Elaine had been the most devout out of all of them, and yet she remained behind. Even Lyssa, who now knew the secrets of the island, didn’t know why Elaine hadn’t received her flower yet.
The days passed in a blur. Lyssa felt like a ghost, floating through the house, scaring those who looked in her direction. She still prayed, but the tone of her prayers had changed. She begged the Almighty to give her a sign that he was listening to her, that despite everything she had learned, that he would protect her. She was met with silence.
On the last day of the Journey, only Elaine and Lyssa remained. They would both be going home the next day, regardless of if they receive a flower that night. After they had done the Water Prayer, Elaine joined Lyssa on her bed. The room was empty and quiet, a stark contrast from how it had been six days ago.
“Elaine, can I tell you something?” Lyssa asked cautiously.
Elaine turned to face her, propping herself up on her elbows. “Of course! We’re friends, you can tell me anything.”
Lyssa bit her lip, afraid to speak aloud the sacrilege that had been plaguing her for two days. “I don’t want to have children.” Elaine sat straight up and looked at Lyssa with wide eyes.

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