Page 14 - Demo
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Government of the District of Columbia ADVISORY NEIGHBORHOOD COMMISSION 5A 5171 South Dakota Avenue NE, Suite 125 Washington, DC 20017
Brothers All,
It is my honor and privilege to bring you greetings as we come together (albeit virtually) to celebrate our 45th Metro Founders’ Day as brothers of our Noble Klan. I am Brother Gordon- Andrew Lee Fletcher, Esq., and I serve as Vice Chair of ANC 5A in Ward 5 and Chairman of the Democratic Party in Ward 5 of Washington, DC. I was initiated in spring 2003 at the American University Chapter, the Kappa Chi of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. and now am a member of the Washington, (DC) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. under the leadership of our 47th Chapter Polemarch, John F. Cotten.
I would like to congratulate College Park/Sandy Springs Alumni Chapter Polemarch, Brother Frank Griffith, Metro Founders’ Day Chairman Brother Sean Osborne, and all brothers of the College Park/Sandy Springs Alumni Chapter on hosting an amazing, well-executed, and enjoyable Metro Founder’s Day celebration. As we are all well aware, COVID-19 has forced us to celebrate virtually, but I encourage all brothers to remain vigilant and steadfast as we get through this unfortunate time together. I eagerly look forward to day that we can collectively and safely share in the brotherhood of Kappa Alpha Psi in-person with each other again.
The theme “Revitalizing the Dream, Reenergizing the Bond” is ideal for this year’s celebration after the tragic year we all went through together. As brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi, it is imperative that our love for fraternity remains ignited within us, but we should also do our best to revitalize that flame/dream in another brother. Even more, it is through being our brother’s keeper that we reenergize the bond even within ourselves. As Chapter Advisor of Kappa Chi, I enjoy the opportunity to reenergize the bond through helping guide our collegiate brothers.
In closing, I want to wish all brothers a Happy New Year, and I look forward to the future of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Yours In The Bond,
Brother Gordon-Andrew Lee Fletcher, Esq. Political Action Chair, Washington, DC