Page 15 - team booklet
P. 15

The building  is situated  in a calm            Despite  their presence in the
                     residential  neighborhood  with average         neighborhood,  these  amenities  are
                     values with regards to income and active        not necessarily used by the current
                     working force . Apart from people walking       inhabitants  of  the  building.  As  the
                     their dog or - probably  - commuters, not       prices of both the supermarket and
                     many people can be spotted in the streets.      the  small  grocery  shops  are  quite
                                                                     high, our interviewees  prefer to go
                     Within  about 500m  distance from the           a bit  further  to  do  groceries  at for
                     building,  there  are  a variety  of  basic     example an Aldi or a Lidl. Also for
                     amenities  and services  present  in the        a walk in green  spaces,  they  leave
                     neighborhood.  There  is  a  supermarket        the neighborhood,  for example  to
                     (Delhaize), a pharmacy, a school, a             Ixelles  cemetary.  Apart  from  the
 Flagey              nursery, a kinder garten, a bus stop, and a     cinema to which  their  entrance  is
                     small park. Further, there are some small       facilitated  by  one  of  the  temporary
                     grocery shops, a restaurant, a bistro and       occupiers  of the SeeU  premises  in
                     snack  bars  nearby.  The  bus  that  passes    front, the  neighborhood does  not
                     at the stop around the corner, connects         really provide for their daily needs.
                     the area to the city centre. Also Etterbeek     One  interviewee  mentioned  Flagey
                     train station is within walking distance,       square, which is about 1km from the
                     as well  as some  tram stops  and shared        building, as an important location
                     bike (Villo) stations.                          for meetings with others.

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