Page 28 - team booklet
P. 28

Scenario 1:


        This scenario is  inspired  by  Magdas                 In  this  booklet’s  scenario,  the  staff
        Hotel in Vienna, a hotel and temporary                 (documented newcomers) is also housed
        refugee  accommodation.  It  functions                 in the  hotel,  and spaces  are created
        as a social business where refugees can                where  informal exchange  can happen

        start  their  working career, learning                 between staff and guests. The bar of the
        the language as they go. Hotel Magdas                  hotel is also open for inhabitants of the
        itself  was  inspired  by  Grandhotel                  neighborhood and other visitors  who
        Cosmopolis, also a temporary refugee                   happen to be in the area. The garden is
        accommodation and hotel,  combined                     designed  like  a  pocket  park  (cf.  Paley
        with open workspaces, art studios and                  Park  in  Manhattan).  Signs  outside
        public services.                                       indicate the presence of the bar.

        Signs outside the BOOST centre for
        refugees in Amsterdam  indicate

        Grandhotel Cosmopolis in Augsburg, Germany,
        looked for ways “in which extremely diverse groups
        can live together peacefully in a relatively densely
        populated space”
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