Page 35 - team booklet
P. 35
Compared to the current scenario of the
building, the hotel scenario does no longer
have cameras, nor barbed wire along
the wall. The neighbourhood however,
stays the same: the long walls around
the military barracks, fences and stop
signs at the entrance of SeeU, signs in the
street indicating the presence of security
cameras, anti-theft alarms. Further, apart
from the bar, the hotel does not add an
amenity to the neighborhood.
When it comes to documented migrants,
this scenario has a welcoming programme,
and provides housing and work for
newcomers. There is potential space for
interaction with neighboors on the street,
in the corridors of the building, in the
hotel bar and in the garden.
When looking at this scenario from an
undocumented migrant point of view, the
image is different. At the moment there
might be a limited programme for VSP
members at SeeU, but this might change
soon, as the current occupation is only
temporary. Assuming thus that they do
not go where they have no destination,
the chances are small they will go to this
neighborhood. Therefore in this scenario,
we assume there are no potential spaces
for interaction between undocumented
migrants and other inhabitants.