Page 12 - Newsletter Vol. 6 Issue 3
P. 12
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It has been a great year for our FS1 children. They have
shown growing independence and a passion for learning.
They have been learning to recognise, say and write
letters, which they then went on to blend to make words.
We have also been learning to recognise, count and write
numbers 1-10 (and beyond to 20), 2D and 3D shapes
and measurements.
This has been an amazing year for our FS2 children. It
has been a pleasure watching them grow into the mature
children they are today. Over the past year they have
learnt to listen to and follow instructions, read and write
in full sentences, using their knowledge and
understanding of the phonics letters and sounds taught.
They have learnt to recognise, count and write numbers
1-20 (and beyond), 3D shapes, measurement, addition
and subtraction.
It is now time for our teachers in Tiny Tots, Pre-FSL, FSL,
and FS1 to say goodbye to their children and get ready
to welcome them back in September to their new year
groups. We bid farewell to our FS2 children and wish
them the very best for the future ahead of them.
To congratulate all of our children’s successes this year
we all gathered together to celebrate. The children all
received their certi cates, sang and danced together. A
lot of hard work and practice was involved, which was
enjoyed by all.
We take this opportunity to thank all of our parents for
their continued support throughout the year. Thank you!
- Lindsey Mather