Page 147 - Mathematics Coursebook
P. 147

15.2 Timetables

               15.2 Timetables

               Travel timetables are usually written in 24-hour clock times.      Timetables are written in the same
               In a timetable, each column shows a di"erent journey. Each row     way, whether they are for buses,

               shows a di"erent stop.                                             trains or aeroplanes.
               Worked example 15.2

                This is part of a bus timetable.
                                                                                    Bus 6X departive times
                a How many bus journeys are shown?                            Station  15 33 15 48 16 08 16 23
                b Eesha arrives at the station at 15 55. How long must she wait  Zoo   15 47 16 02 16 22 16 37
                  for a bus to the airport?                                   Factory  16 05 16 20 16 40 16 55
                c How long does the 15 47 from the zoo take to get to the
                  airport?                                                    Airport  16 19 16 34 16 54 17 09
                d Mahdi must be at the factory by 16 30. What time should he catch a bus at the station?

                a 4               Each column shows a separate bus journey.

                b 13 minutes      The next bus is at 16 08, which is 13 minutes after 15 55.
                c 32 minutes      It arrives at 16 19; 15 47 ¤ 16 19 is 13 + 19 = 32 minutes.
                d 15 48           It arrives at 16 20. The next bus arrives at 16 40, which is too late.

               )     Exercise 15.2

               1  Here is part of a bus timetable.                                              Departure times
                  a  What time does the bus leave the bus station?            Bus station            14 10
                    Write the answer in the 12-hour clock.                    Town centre            14 26
                  b  How long is the journey from the town centre to          Museum                 14 33
                     the harbour?
                  c  Masha gets to the museum bus stop at 14 20.              Park                   14 45
                    How long will she have to wait for the bus?               Harbour                15 08
                  d  The next bus leaves the bus station 35 minutes later
                     than the time shown on the timetable.
                    What time is that?
               2  Here is part of a ferry timetable.                                           Departure times
                  a  Hassan arrives at City Bridge at 11 50. How long will he   City Bridge  11 35 12 15 13 25
                     wait for a ferry?
                  b  What time will Hassan get to Tower Bridge?               Dock           11 52 12 26 13 42
                  c  How long does the 13 25 from City Bridge take to get to   Tower Bridge  12 14 12 50 14 04
                     Old Bridge?                                              Old Bridge     12 26 13 21 14 16
                  d  How long does the second ferry take for the whole

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