Page 51 - Mathematics Coursebook
P. 51

4.3 Reading scales

               4.3 Reading scales

               When you read a scale you need to work out what each division on the scale represents.
               On this scale there are four divisions between 0 and 100 g.

                g   0     100    200

               Each division represents 100 ÷ 4 = 25 g, so the arrow is pointing at 125 g.

               Worked example 4.3

                a Write down the value shown on this scale.
                                                             mm   30       40      50

                b Estimate the reading on this scale.
                                                                30    kg    50

                a  10 ÷ 5 = 2          There are 5 divisions between 30 and 40. Each division represents 2 mm.
                  Value = 38 mm        30 + 8 = 38 or 40 − 2 = 38
                b  10 ÷ 2 = 5 kg       There are 2 divisions between 40 and 50. Each division represents 5 kg.
                  Estimate = 42 kg     The reading is almost halfway between 40 and 45, so 42 is a good estimate.

               )     Exercise 4.3                                                         Don’t forget to include the

               1  Write down the value shown on each of these scales.                     units with each answer.
                  a                           b                           c
                    48 cm 48
                                               70 mm 70
                 cmcm   48         4949 49  mmmm   70  8080 80  9090  90  mm 3m 3  3  4 4  4  5 5  5
                     cmcmcm            494949  mmmmmm      808080  909090  mmm 3 33  4 44  5 55
                  d    ml ml                  e      2020 20              f
                      200 200                            202020            litreslitres
                          200200200                                           2 2 lit 2
                                               10  10  10  kgkg  kg  30 30  30    2 22
                      100 100                      10  10  10  kgkgkg  30 30  1 1  1
                          100100100                                               1 11
                        0 0  0                                                0 0  0
                            0 00                                                  0 00
               2  Anil says that this scale shows a mass of 6.2 kg.       5
                 Is Anil correct?                                               6
                 Explain your answer.                                4

       50      4 Length, mass and capacity                                                                                                                                                                            4 Length, mass and capacity
   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56