Page 67 - Mathematics Coursebook
P. 67

6.2 Collecting data

               6.2 Collecting data

               One way of collecting data is to carry out a survey and ask people     A questionnaire is a form, with
               questions.                                                             questions, that people fi ll in.

               To do this you can use a questionnaire.
               #is is a list of questions that you want to know the answer to.

               You must write the questions very carefully and try to follow these rules.

                1  Ask short questions and use simple language.
                  Give people boxes to tick whenever possible.              Are you      male       female

                2  Try to use questions that have a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer.   Do you have any pets?
                3   When there is a choice of answers, make sure there        yes        no
                   are no overlapping groups and that all possible         How many pets do you have?
                   answers are included.                                      0     1–2     3–4     5 or more

                4  Make sure questions are specific.                    How many times do you usually
                   Do not use words such as ‘sometimes’, ‘often’,      go swimming each month?
                   ‘regularly’ and ‘occasionally’.
                                                                          never            1–4 times
                5   Never ask a personal question as many people          5–8 times        9 times or more
                   won’t answer it or will give a false answer.
                     For example don’t ask people to write down their
                   For example don’t ask people to write down their     How old are you?
                   age, but give them ranges of ages they can tick.        under 20 years        21–40 years
                                                                           41–60 years           Over 60
                6   Never ask a leading question as people may
                   tick the box they think you want them to,            Do you agree that eating junk
                   rather than the one they should.                     food is bad for you?
                  This is an example of a leading question.                yes        no         don’t know

                7   Never ask people to put their names on a
                   questionnaire. They might not want to be identified.

                8  Finally, don’t ask too many questions.
                   If your questionnaire is too long people won’t want to answer it.

               Worked example 6.2

                This is a question about diet.               Do you agree that eating fresh fruit is good
                a  Give two reasons why the question is      for you?
                    not appropriate for a questionnaire.
                b  Re-write the question so that it is          agree       strongly agree       don’t know
                    suitable for a questionnaire.

                a  (1) It is a leading question.   The question is trying to get you to agree.
                   (2) There is no ‘disagree’ box.  If you do disagree there is no box for you to tick.
                b  Do you think that eating fresh fruit is good or bad for you?       This question is not leading
                      good        bad             don’t know
                                                                                     but is asking for your opinion.

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