Page 83 - Mathematics Coursebook
P. 83

7.6 Finding fractions of a quantity

               7.6 Finding fractions of a quantity

               You work out a unit fraction of a quantity by dividing the quantity by the denominator of the fraction.
               Example: To work out   of 18 cm, divide 18 cm by 3. So   of 18 cm = 18 ÷ 3 = 6 cm.
                                      3                                3
               To work out a more complicated fraction such as  , divide the quantity by the denominator and then
               multiply your answer by the numerator.          3
               Example: To work out   of 18 kg, you divide 18 kg by 3, then multiply by 2.
                                18 ÷ 3 = 6, 6 × 2 = 12. So   of 18 kg = 12 kg.
               Worked example 7.6
                Work these out.          a   1 3   of 15 cm   b    of 20 kg   If you can’t work out part c in your
                                                                              head, use a written method or a
                                         c   7   × 105                        calculator.

                a  15 ÷ 3 = 5 cm  Divide the quantity (15 cm) by the denominator (3).

                b  20 ÷ 5 = 4       First of all fi nd  1  by dividing the quantity (20 kg) by the denominator (5).
                   4 × 2 = 8 kg   Then multiply the answer by 2 to fi nd  2 .

                c  105 ÷ 7 = 15     First of all fi nd   1 7   by dividing the number   ‘Of’ and ‘×’ mean exactly the same
                                                                                thing, so use the same method.
                                  (105) by the denominator (7).
                   15 × 4 = 60    Then multiply the answer by 4 to fi nd   7  .    There are no units in this answer.

               )     Exercise 7.6

               1  Work these out mentally.
                  a   1  of $8      b   1   of 18 km     c   4  × 18           d   3  × 28
                     2                 6                    9                     7
               2  Use a written method or a calculator to work these out.
                  a   2  of $182   b   4   of 195 miles   c   3  × 192         d   13   × 345
                     7                 13                   8                     15

               3  Which of these cards is different from the others?        28 ×   4      27 ×   2     26 ×   9
                 Explain your answer.                                             7            3            13

               4   At a rugby match in the Ellis Park Stadium in Johannesburg there
                  were 58 476 rugby fans.
                   7   of the fans were supporting South Africa. The rest were
                  supporting Australia.
                  How many fans were supporting Australia? How can you tell if your
                  answer is likely to be correct?

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