Page 118 - EY Teacher's Handbook 2024-2025
P. 118

Behaviour Expectations

              All teachers should meet and discuss this as a unit. This ensures consistency across the classes and
            will also provide support to teachers where children’s challenging behaviour pushes the boundaries.
              •  Children are not to be left alone in the classroom or in the hallway

              •  Children are not to be sent out of the classroom alone
              •  Children are not to be put in a position that is unsafe
              Please see our Supporting our Children policy on how to keep children safe from themselves and

            Class Routine
              Class routine and simple rules help students to elude distractions that waste time and interfere
            with learning. Guesswork is minimised. Minor frustrations and inconveniences are fewer, as are

            opportunities for misbehaviour. The children, then, are left to focus on learning.

              If children know what to do and how to do it during every transitional or procedural moment of
              If children know what to do and how to do it during every transitional or procedural moment of
            the school day, they can more easily attend to what is most important. Furthermore, adding more
            responsibility and purpose encourages self-confidence.

              For everything children do in school repetitively, there should be a routine. This will include
            attendance, carpet time, eating transitions, lining up and entering classrooms, and Centre rotations.

            In our case at EPG, where the children move from one classroom to another, it is essential that
            children, teachers, and even other staff have a timeframe and schedule to follow. Sample timetable
            is shown below for FSL, FS1, and FS2.


            Star of the Week (SOTW)

              This year our Star of the Week will have a different focus. The EPG Values will be included in the
            child’s recognition. Each teacher will be responsible for one class in terms of SOTW There will be
            schedule for each child to be the SOTW and this will be sent home so parents are aware when their
            child will be recognised at the SOTW.
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