Page 94 - EY Teacher's Handbook 2024-2025
P. 94

Planning - Lesson Plans are devised from the EPG Topic Plans and include all elements of it taught

          and free play content and activities.

          Play - encouraging children’s natural interest in child-initiated play to build social emotional growth

          in sharing and taking turns, creativity, problem solving, construction, sand and water play for

          concepts such as capacity volume, empty/full.

          Be aware of standards of attainment achieved and expected within FSl-FS2 Mathematics group as
          well as understand high yield, research based methods that can be used to deliver teaching and

          learning in Mathematics and speaking (oral language) and development.

          Number - means counting things, numbers means knowing there is a word and symbol for each

          number, number helps us organise and collect things numbers can be things in a group and numbers

          come in different shapes sizes amounts and can be grouped differently and have the same attributes


          Shapes (Geometry) - can be described, analysed, transformed, composed and decomposed into
          other shapes (triangle-diamond). Shapes represent objects – triangle = pyramid, directions, locations

          in world, relationships between them. Shapes can be viewed in 2D or as 3D such as cube/square;

          triangle/pyramid; circle/oval/ball/sphere.
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