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Dear Parents,
At uncertain times like this we wish to continue to bring you some measure of stability with our daily activities and challenges. To
go along with this, we feel that it is important that you receive regular updates from us regarding the work that continues behind
the scenes for our children here in Early Years. Although school is closed, the learning continues!
There is a global shift in education as most of the world switches to ‘home schooling’ via an online platform. This is a challenge for
Early Years as we firmly believe that activities, exploring and connecting experiences are the best way for our young children to
learn. With this at the forefront of our minds, the activities and challenges that we send home support this way of learning. Yes, it is
important that we have some measure of paper and pencil activities sent home to complete as these give routine to the day and
allow your child to feel that they have accomplished some work for school. However, the open challenges that engage multiple
areas of their senses and encourage cognitive growth through critical thinking and problem solving are the most important items
that we send home. These are the kinds of activities that the teacher facilitates in the classroom through small group and
independent work. We hope that you are all enjoying the challenge of working together as a family team and sending in your
photographs. We are excited to share with you the winners of the first Best Home Activity Photographs!
If you are not aware, all our videos of the amazing EPG Talent Showcase are now on the EPG YouTube channel, along with a range
of story, exercise and puppet show videos that our teachers were thrilled to make for our children. Please check our channel
regularly as we are adding more daily.
I speak for all the Early Years teachers when I say that we all miss the children so much and know that we cannot wait to see all our
wonderful children back in school when we reopen later in the year. We wish you all a safe and healthy week.
With warmest wishes,
Vanessa Temple
Early Years Principal