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8 PDA Annual Newsletter 2023 IN REVIEW
was adopted to engage key project staff of significant stories adopted a casual
of IAA partners and duty-bearers who conversation interview approach to collect
have been engaged so far on the project. data during the process of authenticating
Focus group discussions were used to stories. Various Means of Verifications
gather data from SAG members both at (MoVs) were inspected as part of the
the district and community levels. Using authentication process. These included but
the interpretive paradigm study design, were not limited to relevant photos, data
qualitative interviews were used to gather and in-person visitation of sites related to
data from SAG members for the SAG the stories.
assessment. The validation/evaluation
Round 5 of Tony’s Chocolonely Living Standards and Welfare Survey
Client: Tony’s Chocolonely among the Client’s partner cooperatives in
Team: Alexander Afram; Raymond Hodor Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire. The annual data
Status: Complete collection has been happening since 2019
and in September this year, the REL team
About the Project: The survey aims to worked on the fifth round.
provide Tony’s Chocolonely with reliable PDA programmed the questionnaire
data on the standard of living and poverty (CAPI design) for electronic data
levels of farmers in their cocoa value chain. collection in Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire,
trained enumerators, and pretested the
PDA has been a long-term research partner survey tool. The team also managed the
undertaking a Multidimensional Poverty quantitative database and processed the
Index (MPI)/Living Standards and Welfare data, using Stata for analysis.
Survey (LSWS) data collection exercise