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13  PDA Annual Newsletter                                                        2023 IN REVIEW

            Evaluation of CASA-TAF’s Inclusive Aggregator Model in Ghana

            Client: Commercial Agriculture for                 crop off-taking. This forms part of a
            Smallholders and Agribusinesses (CASA)             five-year program focused on changing

            by TechnoServe on their Technical                  how investors perceive and invest in
            Assistance Facility (TAF)                          agribusinesses operating in supply chains
            Team: Arnold Bediako; Ernest Adu Owusu             with smallholder producers.

            Status: Ongoing
                                                               PDA’s role in the project is to conduct an
            About the Project: CASA-TAF is                     evaluation (comprising baseline, midline,
            working with an agriculture technology             and endline evaluations) over a period of
            service provider, Farmerline, to support           two years for this aggregator project in

            agribusinesses in Ghana. The goal of the           the maize, soya, and cashew value chains
            project is to develop a network of small           in the Northern, Upper West, Bono, Bono
            and medium aggregators in the soybean,             East, and Ahafo regions. PDA is currently in

            maize, and cashew value chains that can            the inception phase of the project.
            provide end-to-end services, including
            input provision, advisory services, and
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