Page 20 - 2023 in review_Neat
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18 PDA Annual Newsletter 2023 IN REVIEW
Before the competition, three books were were commended by the audience and
distributed to the competing schools for dignitaries present. Each school received
contestants to study. The books were ‘Abu a citation to acknowledge their dedication
Goes to School’, ‘The Sick Village’, and and contribution towards improving
‘Ananse and the Magic Drum’. These texts reading literacy in the district. Each
were selected because of their challenging contestant also received a certificate of
language, substantial length, and positive participation and gift package for their
moral messages. While each story efforts and commitment to improving their
addressed a very different theme subject, reading abilities. The district directors of
all three were didactic, and all written by education were pleased with the progress
Ghanaian authors. and impact the project has made within
the short period of its implementation.
At the end of the contest, Mankranso They reiterated their support for the
D/A Primary ‘B’ emerged the Reading project and pledged to contribute to the
Champion for 2023 with a score of 96 out continuous success and sustainability of
of 100. They were seconded by Barniekrom the project.
with a score of 86 out of 100. Contestants