Page 18 - 2023 in review_Neat
P. 18
16 PDA Annual Newsletter 2023 IN REVIEW
After the project’s launch, patrons in all A total of 2533 books from Ghanaian and
ten communities were supported to form other African writers have been purchased
reading clubs in their various communities. and distributed to ten community reading
The reading club is open to children in the clubs. About 90% of the books are
communities from Primary One to Junior based on stories from Ghana and other
High School level. All the libraries -- both African countries. The remaining 10% are
physical and “Library in a Box” -- are stories from other continents. The stories
running with the active participation of an are mainly moral lesson-based stories,
average of 40 children for each reading folktales, fiction, cultural stories and a
session. Each community reading club is few mystery and history books. All the
expected to meet once a week; however, books were produced by publishing firms
due to the increasing numbers of reading located in Ghana. The two renovated
club membership, some reading clubs cluster community libraries each received
meet between one to three times a week. 403 books. The remaining 8 communities
Again, to ensure efficient management each received 215 different books. Cluster
of the reading clubs, some patrons have libraries are also accessible to all the
created smaller groups of readers. communities with a ‘Library in a Box’ within
the same cluster.