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20  PDA Annual Newsletter                                                        2023 IN REVIEW

            VSLA-CHILD Project (Ghana)

            The VSLA-CHILD Project is a child                  Santasi on 18th and 19th January 2023. 3
            labour remediation initiative that aims to         PDA field officers and 6 PDA associates
            tackle child labour in cocoa-producing             were trained in addition to 5 CLMT
            communities through a community-driven             officers from Beyond Beans. 3 teams

            approach. The project sought to increase           were deployed for the data collection at
            the access of 2500 farmers to microcredit,         Samreboi, Konongo/Juaso and Bekwai/
            improve their savings culture and income           Nsokote. The field officers did a mop
            diversity, as well as support the farming          up after the one-week intensive data

            households to develop self-help measures           collection. The field officers who were
            to protect children and remediate child            trained from Beyond Beans collected the
            labour using bottom-up approaches.                 data from the Kookoo Pa operational
            The project was implemented between                areas.The project impact report was

            2019 – 2022. Training for endline data             submitted in June 2023.
            collection for the project was done at
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