Page 27 - 2023 in review_Neat
P. 27
25 PDA Annual Newsletter 2023 IN REVIEW
3. Improving women’s earning capacity in cocoa communities to boost household income.
4. Improving the nutrition of households in target communities
5. Contributing to a holistic improvement of the welfare of farming households in order to
safeguard against potential child labour infractions.
The project is being implemented in the Akontombra, Fosukrom and Adabokrom cocoa
districts in the Western North region of Ghana. The project is being implemented by PDA
in partnership with Sucden and Kuapa Kokoo Farmers’ Union (KKFU). 10 VSLA groups are
expected to be formed under the project.
The community entry and sensitization for the project was done from 2nd –6th November
2023. 9 VSLA groups have been trained by 2 PDA field officers under the project to start
purchasing shares.