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30  PDA Annual Newsletter                                                        2023 IN REVIEW

            Nyonkopa Child Labour Remediation Project

            Partner: Nyonkopa Cocoa

            Team Lead: Kamil Abdul Salam
            Status: Completed

            The Nyonkopa Child Labor Remediation               Between 2022 and 2023, the project
            Project is an intervention which directly          provided remediation interventions for
            targeted child labor cases within the value        3,758 children found in child labor and
            chain of Nyonkopa Cocoa. The project               hazardous labor practices, as well as
            started in February 2021 and covered               their families and communities in over

            six administrative sectors of Nyonkopa             400 communities across 28 districts in 6
            Cocoa, a cocoa buying company in                   sectors of Ghana. The 6 project sectors
            Ghana. The project aimed to address                included Asante Bekwai, Oda, Assin Fosu,

            child labor cases within its cocoa value           Juaboso, Dunkwa Goaso, and Kasapin. The
            chain by providing direct remediation              project reached 2,462 households across
            interventions for the affected children            the sectors.
            and their communities, as well as building
            sustainable community structures to

            prevent and combat child labor in the long
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