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33 PDA Annual Newsletter 2023 IN REVIEW
4. Farmer Voice Radio Programme: The Farmer Voice Radio project recorded six sessions of
conversations among farmers about child labour, its effects, prevention strategies, and
the role of regulatory bodies in Ghana. These recordings are being broadcast through
community information systems in 80 cocoa-growing communities across 7 sectors to
sensitize farmers and their households against child labour.
5. VSLA+ Activities: 43 VSLA+ groups are running under the project; 39 of these groups
have received Gender Action Learning Systems (GALS) Training to enhance the saving
habits, loan accessibility, and child labor awareness of the Nyonkopa farmers. These
groups have resulted in improved various aspects of household and individual well-
being, such as asset expenditure levels, small scale business performance, education
spending, access to health and good nutrition, and housing quality. Member farmers
appreciated the VSLA+ groups as a platform for not only saving, but also challenging
harmful behaviors such as gender stereotypes and child labor misconceptions.