Page 40 - 2023 in review_Neat
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38 PDA Annual Newsletter 2023 IN REVIEW
were grouped into 5 groups based on skill/ training and mentoring sessions have
trade area, and assigned female mentors been impactful since project participants
and peer mentors. In all, 3 virtual and 1 have reported improved knowledge of the
in-person mentoring session were held processes of business formalization in
between August and November 2023. Ghana, project bidding, financial literacy
The final mentoring session is scheduled and records keeping. It has also allowed
for January 2024, after which the team project participants to forge long-lasting
will focus on advocacy and the formal partnerships among themselves and
registration of beneficiaries’ businesses with relevant stakeholders within the
with the Office of the Registrar of construction industry. The team is excited
Companies. by the planned development of a mobile
app featuring only female artisans which
The project has thus far been able to will allow potential customers to browse
reach 100 young female artisans working their expertise and engage them for
in the construction value chain. The project employment.