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39  PDA Annual Newsletter                                                        2023 IN REVIEW

            7th Knowledge Sharing Workshop

            Partner: AfriKids Ghana; Department of             from the communities, traditional rulers,
            Children (Ministry of Gender, Children and         faith institutions, the private sector, and
            Social Protection)                                 government institutions.
            Status: Completed
                                                               The documentary PDA TV generated

            PDA introduced the Annual Knowledge                thought-provoking conversations on
            Sharing Workshop on Child Protection in            some of the least talked-about cultural
            2017 in fulfilment of a strategic goal and         norms that facilitate the perpetuation of

            to strengthen the advocacy drive for the           child marriage in the Region. There was a
            protection of children’s rights in Ghana.          renewed commitment from participants
            Different context-relevant topics bordering        to strengthen the fight against child
            on child rights and child protection are           marriage in the Upper East and Northeast
            tabled for discussion every year.  Since           regions where the incidence is rife.

            its inception, the workshop has made
            remarkable input into national policy on
            child protection.

            In 2023, PDA hosted the 7th Knowledge
            Sharing Workshop in Walewale (North
            East Region). Themed “Tackling Child
            Marriage in Northern Ghana: A Shift

            from the Rhetoric to Evidence-Based
            Advocacy”, the event featured a
            presentation of insights from national              We were able to secure a media

            census data on child marriage in Ghana,             partnership with A1 Radio, which
            as well as a documentary primarily on the           broadcasted the full event on their station,
            prevalence of child marriage in AfriKids’           featured a discussion of child marriage on
            target districts, and a panel discussion.           their morning show, and published fliers
            A total of about 72 people were present             and press releases of the event on their

            at the event, including representatives             website and social media.
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