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36 PDA Annual Newsletter 2023 IN REVIEW
2023 in Review:
PDA Communications & Advocacy
The Advocacy and Communications Unit sharing and pathways for feedback.
(ACU) handles PDA’s social development More intentionally, the ACU crafts and
initiatives, advocacy projects, and liaises delivers communication messages for
with other units within the organization the purposes of disseminating research
on project deliverables that include findings, advocating among various
publications or any other elements audiences for specific changes towards
of communication. As part of its core social development, and impacting
responsibilities, the Unit also oversees knowledge, attitudes and behaviour.
the organization’s media strategy and
engagement, including the production Our team has the professional expertise
and publication of content on the PDA to engage our targets using a diverse
website, social media platforms, and the range of advocacy tools, including the
coordination of media coverage for PDA production and dissemination of written,
activities, among others. audio, visual, and audio-visual outputs
including documentaries, jingles, radio
Through strategic communications, discussions, radio advertisements,
we ensure that project staff, partners, illustrative flashcards, photo-books,
beneficiaries, the client, and other infographics, webinars and social media
stakeholders including the general public campaigns. We are also well-versed in the
are well-informed on the status and planning and execution of stakeholder
progress of projects through knowledge engagement and learning events.