Page 43 - 2023 in review_Neat
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41 PDA Annual Newsletter 2023 IN REVIEW
Child Abuse Tracker Representation of PDA to
The PDA Child Abuse Tracker is an online External Partners
platform that records cases of child abuse The ACU has participated in a series of
reported in both print and online media trainings and engagements with WUSC,
outlets. Over the last 12 months, more than including a GESI (Gender Equity and Social
80 cases of child abuse (including sexual Inclusion) training, ESCA (Environmental
abuse, physical abuse, and abduction) Sustainability and Climate Action) training,
were recorded, with more than 70 percent as well as a photography and videography
of the victims being females. The data skills session organized by WUSC for all
generated by the platform has been useful, their organizational partners in January.
particularly in analyses of trends and Additionally, PDA was represented for
hotspots of child abuse in Ghana. the PAC (Partner Advisory Committee)
meeting, and Partner Forums organized by
Digital Presence & Webinars WUSC.
Our usual activities have included
updating PDA’s online platforms (website The National Child Protection Committee,
and social media) with appropriate of which PDA is a member, had a number
content. We have supported the work of of meetings in 2023. The ACU represented
other units through proofreading, design of PDA and shared on our activities that
multimedia content, reports, etc. The ACU were geared towards child protection
has also been spearheading the smooth within that quarter. We also benefitted
running of monthly staff meetings, and has from presentations by UNICEF, MOGSCP
started work on developing unit profiles for and other child protection-focused
various units in PDA. organizations.
The ACU hosted one webinar in 2023 for The ACU also represented PDA at a
PDA’s online audience. The topic was on networking event organized by Y-PARD
“Financial Inclusion” and attracted an (Young Professionals for Agricultural
engaged audience of about 90 people. The Development). PDA was awarded a
recording is available on PDA TV citation for our support of the group, and
we gave a few words of congratulation to
the outgoing country president. We also
welcomed the incoming country president,
Paul Atsu, who happens to have been
working with the ACU for the past year.