Page 24 - 2023 in review_Neat
P. 24
22 PDA Annual Newsletter 2023 IN REVIEW
Eighty (80) VSLA groups were formed with 2064 members. 1163 (56%) of the members were
females while 901 (44%) of the members were males. On average, there were 25 members
per VSLA group. Out of the 80 groups formed, 35 had a full membership of 30 while the
remaining groups had less than 30 members. Even though the target number of groups (80)
was achieved, the project did not reach the target of 2400 farmers since not all the groups
had 30 members.
In 2023, the VSLA groups under the project had weekly meetings to purchase shares, grant
loans, repay loans and continued their Gender Action and Learning Systems (GALS) and
child labour training until their share-out. After share-out, the groups were supported to
begin their second cycles of operation.
Supervision and monitoring of the VSLA groups under the project was handed to field
officers from Beyond Beans in June 2023. A learning workshop for the project was organized
on 16th November 2023 at the Kumasi office of Beyond Beans to share lessons learned from
the project.