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19  PDA Annual Newsletter                                                        2023 IN REVIEW

            2023 in Review:

            PDA Africa

            (Community-Driven Development)

            In 2023, PDA’s work has also focused on            interventions in promoting ethical and
            community mobilization, sensitization              transparent commodity supply chains
            and facilitation, as well as project               and communities over the last 21 years.
            management, smallholder farmer capacity            The team is made up of experienced

            building, and financial inclusion.                 community facilitators, child labor
            PDA has a proven track record of                   and protection experts, field trainers,
            partnering with communities and                    evaluators, and associates with several
            other development organizations to                 years of practice in the field.

            implement large-scale development

            PDA adopts a unique integrated VSLA                and customizable VSLA+ modules and
            (VSLA+) model as a self-facilitated                components allow for specific interventions
            platform to plug in sustainable                    to be co-designed with our partners for the
            development interventions. Our diverse             greatest impact in target communities.
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