Page 17 - 2023 in review_Neat
P. 17
15 PDA Annual Newsletter 2023 IN REVIEW
Under the project, two community libraries Key Project Activities
have been renovated, furnished, and The Cocoa Communities Library Project
stocked with age-appropriate reading (CCLP) was launched on 26th July 2023
books from Ghanaian and African writers. at Adugyama in the Ashanti Region of
Eight communities which did not have a Ghana. The launch was well-attended
physical library have been given mobile by about one hundred guests including
libraries referred to as ‘Library in a Box’. local authorities, representatives from
Each of these contains a variety of the two district education offices
children’s books so that children can have and district assemblies, community
easy access to books during their weekly members, patrons of the reading clubs
reading sessions in school and community and children from schools within target
level. To sustain reading interest among districts. District Directors of Education
children, reading competitions are and Representatives from the district
organized twice a year to encourage assemblies were excited about the
children to read while celebrating the initiative and pledged their support for the
progress and impact the initiative is implementation and sustainability of the
making in the lives of children and project.
beneficiary communities.