Page 19 - 2023 in review_Neat
P. 19

17  PDA Annual Newsletter                                                        2023 IN REVIEW

            On the 11th and 12th of October 2023,              The Annual Reading Festival was attended
            a cluster-level reading competition                by about 100 patrons, pupils, teachers,
            was organized for schools in the ten               headteachers and personnel from the

            communities. Each cluster (consisting of 5         district education offices in the target
            schools) held their competition separately         district. This event was designed to provide
            in their respective district capitals. The         reading club members from across the

            cluster-level Reading Competition is               districts with a clear, attainable goal
            designed to help build a reading culture           to work towards that would help them
            among children by encouraging reading              improve their literacy skills and reflect on
            for pleasure, reading diversely, and reading       their progress. Again, it was designed so
            for cognitive development. All ten schools         that pupil-supporters and attendees from

            from target communities participated in            non-competing schools would equally
            the cluster level reading competition. Each        benefit from seeing their peers succeed
            school presented four contestants from             whilst demonstrating a passion and

            Primary Four to Primary Six. The first two         aptitude for reading.
            schools from each cluster competition met
            on 5th December 2023 to compete for the
            reading championship position for the year
            2023. This event was dubbed the Annual

            Reading Festival.
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