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1 PDA Annual Newsletter 2023 IN REVIEW
About PDA
Participatory Development Associates (PDA) is a social development and consultancy
organization in Ghana that supports development processes at community, district,
national, regional, and institutional levels towards creating a fairer world where all
citizens can reach their full potential. PDA achieves this through empowerment, service
delivery, capacity building, and research in communities and with organizations to
advance collective objectives of equitable access to socioeconomic opportunities for
all. PDA is based in Ghana and for over 20 years, has worked across multiple African
countries including Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Nigeria, Cameroon, Rwanda, Uganda, and
Kenya, to undertake development research, assessments, and impact evaluations. These
undertakings have generated quality evidence that has strengthened development
practice, program design, and policymaking.
We work with government, non-government and private organisations, as well as
multilateral and bilateral organisations, in areas such as research, monitoring and
evaluation, policy analysis and advocacy, local economic development, education,
agribusiness, child labor and remediation, financial inclusion (VSLAs & Cooperatives),
gender, and development. PDA uses innovative participatory methodologies to facilitate a
bottom-up development process in communities, with a proven track record in research,
M&E, and the design and implementation of projects at national and sub-national levels.
We have worked in a wide range of areas in development including:
• Research, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (REL)
• Longitudinal learning & Impact partnerships
• Local economic development – education, healthcare, agriculture and decentralization
• Financial Inclusion (VSLAs and Cooperatives)
• Women, youth and economic empowerment
• Policy analysis and advocacy
• Poverty and social assessments
• Child and Social Protection – child labor and remediation; safeguarding
• Literacy programmes
• Reproductive health
• Gender and development
• Strategic planning
PDA is based in Ghana, with two main offices in Accra and Kumasi.