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2 PDA Annual Newsletter 2023 IN REVIEW
Our Vision
Our vision is of a world where states, communities and organisations
provide an enabling environment in which all people, regardless of sex,
race, ethnicity, creed, age or disability, can realise their full potential and
contribute their best to the common good.
Our Core Values
We care about:
• Empowerment: We believe in balance of power – gender, race, age,
class. We work to strengthen capacities and give equal opportunity to
• Inclusiveness: We believe everyone has an active role to play in
realising social change. Together we are more and we achieve more.
• Innovation and Creativity: We believe we attain resilience and self-
reliance by recognising opportunity, adapting and breaking new ground.
• Quality: We do what we say we will do, maintaining and improving
• Efficiency: We strive to make judicious use of resources, including time.
• Effectiveness and Impact: We strive to excel, exceed expectations and
leave a lasting effect.
• Transparency and Accountability: We value openness, the building of
trust, and being accountable to ourselves, our partners and our clients