Page 58 - 2024 Fall-Winter Activities Guide
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      REGISTRATION GUIDELINES                                 REGISTRATION OPTIONS
      1.   Please register early! If a class doesn’t have a sufficient number of         ONLINE  I
         participants 48-hours prior to the beginning of class, the class may       Due to the popularity of our programs and the fact the many programs
         be cancelled. All registrations are taken on a first-come, first-served       reach capacity quickly, online registration is strongly recommended.
         basis until the classes begin, are filled or are cancelled.
      2.   Thornton residents must show proof of residency to receive resident      WALK-IN/PHONE-IN  I  720-977-5901
         rates.                                                    Swim and gymnastics walk-in registrations are only held at the
      3.  If you wish to register online, you must set up a user name and       Carpenter Recreation Center and Trail Winds Recreation Center.
         password. There are three ways to get it:                 All other walk-in registrations are conducted at the following
         a.  Please visit the front desk of a Thornton recreation facility with your      Active Adult Center  I  11181 Colorado Blvd.
           proof of Thornton residency.                            Active Adult Center Wing @ Trail Winds  I  13495 Holly St.
         b.  Contact the registration office at 720-977-5901.      Carpenter Recreation Center  I  11151 Colorado Blvd.
         c.  Go online to                  Trail Winds Recreation Center  I  13495 Holly St.
      4.   You may register your own family members and one additional
         household. Additional household, if a resident, must have previously    RECREATION AND ARTS & CULTURE
         proven residency.                                    REFUND POLICY
      5.   Registration in the first session does not guarantee a place in    1.   If you are not satisfied with the activities and programs offered, we
         continuing classes.                                     can issue a household credit, transfer you to a different activity or
      6.   All fees are payable at the time of registration (unless noted         issue a refund. There will be a cancellation fee of $5 or 10%,
                                                                whichever is greater assessed on each cancelled class. (Please note:
         otherwise.)                                             The cancellation/refund policy of some adult and 62+ programs, all
      RECREATION REGISTRATION DATES                                CARA and sport programs, any contractual class and our Preschool
                                                                program may differ.)
      GENERAL REGISTRATION OPENS  I  7 a.m.                   2.  Credit card refunds are issued back to the card that was used for the
         Tuesday, August 6                                       original purchase and are processed as soon as the refund is
                                                                 authorized. Refund checks take approximately two weeks to process.
      GYMNASTICS  I  Residents 7 p.m. /Nonresidents 7 a.m.       The amount refunded may be prorated based on the reason for the
         Fall Session  I  Residents August 21/Nonresidents August 22     refund and/or attendance.
      SWIM LESSONS  I  Residents 7 p.m. /Nonresidents 7 a.m.  3.  All refunds are subject to the approval of the program coordinator.
         Fall Session  I  Residents August 19/Nonresidents August 20
         Online and walk-ins only. No phone in registrations accepted.  ACTIVE ADULT ONLINE REGISTRATION
      ENRICHMENT CLASSES                                      Available for trips, and some classes. If you wish to register online, you
      Adult and Youth Enrichment class registration will be ongoing unless   must set up a user account three business days prior to registering.
      otherwise noted. All of our instructors are contractual, so in order to be   Contact the Active Adult Center for more information at 303-255-7850.
      eligible for a refund, you must cancel two business days prior to the start
      of the first class. There will be a cancellation fee of $5 or 10%, whichever   ACTIVE ADULT HIKE & TRIP REGISTRATION
      is greater assessed on each cancelled class.            ACTIVE ADULT HIKES  I  Residents 8:30 a.m./Nonresidents 9:30 a.m.
                                                                 Tuesday, August 13
      INCLUSION POLICY                                        Walk-in and online registration begins at 8:30 a.m. for Thornton Residents
      Thornton includes people of all abilities in our Parks, Recreation,   and 9:30 a.m. for nonresidents. Walk-in registration is available at either
      and Community Programs activities. We strive to not only meet the   of our Active Adult locations. You may register yourself and one other
      requirements of the ADA but to create a welcoming and supportive   person. Registrations will be processed in the following order: Walk-in and
      community. If you see a program offered in the Activities Guide, in which   online followed by phone-in. Phone-in registrations must adhere to the
      you wish to participate, but require accommodation, please submit   registration times and messages received prior to the registration time will
      an Inclusion Support Request Form online, answer yes on the related   be placed last in the registration queue. Trip departure times are subject
      question during registration, or contact the AIR Coordinator directly.    to change, contact the front desk to confirm departure/return times.
      A confidential assessment may be completed to determine what   Meals are on your own unless otherwise indicated. Due to the high volume
      reasonable accommodations or inclusion support is needed. When   of cancellations and changes we are receiving, all hike cancellations will
                                                              incur a fee of $5 or 10% whichever is greater on each cancelled hike.
      possible, please submit requests at least two weeks in advance of your   Cancellations must be made at least 48 hours in advance.
      desired start date.
                                                              ACTIVE ADULT TRIPS  I  Residents 8:30 a.m./Nonresidents 9:30 a.m.
      For more information, please contact Becky Post, AIR Coordinator at       September Trips   ...Registration August 1-22
      720-977-5702 or
                                                                 October Trips .......Registration September 5-26
                                                                 November Trips  ....Registration October 3-24
                                                                 December Trips .....Registration November 7-28
                                                              ACTIVE ADULT REFUND AND CREDIT POLICY
                                                              Activity cancellations must be made before the registration period ends
                                                              to receive a full refund. If you cancel after the registration deadline, your
                                                              refund will depend on whether your reservation is sold. Please allow three
                                                              weeks to receive a refund. Cancellations must be made through the front
                                                              desk and are not transferable to another person. All refunds are subject to
                                                              approval by the program coordinator.
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