Page 107 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
P. 107

2017: Trip back to Sota, Indonesia – At the riverport and walking in the forest..

                  Suddenly a torrential rain poured down from the sky, at one point in our jungle
            crossing route, and surface runoff water became a lot around us. As the time passed
            by it got higher and higher, and very soon we were trapped by the flood in the middle
            of  the  jungle  at  night.  Ohhh  my  God!  Why  had  we  to  pass  this  miserable  hostile
            environment? Didn’t we deserve some better treatments or easy walks after serving
            God’s work? Some more questions might come up in the hearts of our team members.
            But everybody also knew that such questions and/or complaints did not help at all and
            would not improve the situation. Finally, praise God for He is always so, sooo…….good!

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