Page 139 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
P. 139
List of Crusade Locations Proposed And Implemented By The Best Area
Coordinator 2016: Ps. Ferry A. Bella S.Th.
No. Date Location Province (International)
1 February 3, 2016 Kolaka Southeast Sulawesi
2 February 4, 2016 Unaaha Southeast Sulawesi
3 February 5, 2016 Kendari Southeast Sulawesi
4 July 29, 2016 Dirung Central Kalimantan
5 July 30, 2016 Dirungbakung Central Kalimantan
6 August 1, 2016 Ds. Konut Central Kalimantan
7 October 7, 2016 ITSI/ Penajam Paser Utara East Kalimantan
8 October 8, 2016 Ds. Semoi, Penajam East Kalimantan
9 November 10, 2016 Balai Karangan, Entikong West Kalimantan
10 November 11, 2016 Miri Malaysia
11 November 12, 2016 Kampung Lawas Brunei - Malaysia
12 November 13, 2016 Kampung Lawas Brunei - Malaysia
13 November 14, 2016 Kampung Lawas Brunei - Malaysia
14 November 15, 2016 Miri Malaysia
15 November 16, 2016 Sarawak Malaysia
16 November 17, 2016 Simuti, Sarawak Malaysia
From the table below: Distribution of Crusade Locations in Western and Eastern
Indonesia, one can conclude that number of crusades implemented in Eastern
Indonesia in 2016 was significantly increased i.e. becoming larger than the number for
Western Indonesia. The distribution of crusades in Indonesia as viewed from the
crusade expenses i.e. chart titled: Percentages of Domestic Crusade Expenses by
Province can be seen below.