Page 144 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
P. 144

4.  On the Results of the 2017 Annual Gathering.

            The first stage is basically to identify the potential businesses in order to support the

            I. Business Opportunities to support NJE evangelical fund.

            Based on the results of a small team discussion in Mukernas 2017, it was concluded
            that there were several business opportunities that could be studied further where the
            revenue was expected to support the funding needs of NJE.
            The potentially-proposed businesses in question are as follows:
              - Pig, goat or chicken farming.
              - Tempe & tofu making.
              - Land lease for agriculture

            The next stage will identify the business whether it is feasible / prospective and the
            ability of NJE members to manage it so that it can really provide the maximum results.
            On the other side some direct sources of funds are also identified as listed below.

            II. Source of Church Funds
            The small team meetings have formulated the sources of church funds which may
            include the following:
              1. from activists and members.
              2. from the churches / cell groups / ministries, etc.
              3. from membership fee (mandatory, min Rp 25.000,- each member).
              4. looking for potential new members, supporters etc (spiritual children).
              5. tithes from anywhere
              6. voluntary offering
              7. extra periodic offering (from all)
              8. tithes on all through-NJE earnings (from, by and for NJE)
              9. faith-pledges.

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