Page 145 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
P. 145

Schedule of NJE's Planned Crusade in 2017

              No         City (Country)             Reference          Agreed Schedule

                                             SEMESTER I
                1 Banda Aceh               Ps. Alex Maukar           Feb 10th
                2 Gorontalo                Ps. Ferry Bella           Mar 10th-12th
                3 Jogjakarta               Ps. Ester Wineman + Ps. Paulus Jayadi Apr 17th
                4 Sukoharjo                Ps. Zakheus Sutadji       Apr 18th
                5 Papua Nugini, Wando      Ps. Jeffry Rengkung       Fourth week of April
                6 Papua                    Ps. Jeffry Rengkung       Fourth week of April
                7 Bali                     Ps. Sontje Sorongan       May 15th-16th
                8 Bengkulu                 Ps. Alex Maukar           May
                9 Palembang                Ps. Adri Lamajido         May
               10 Bangka Belitung          Ps. Adri Lamajido         May
               11 Sumba                    Ps. Dolfie Jan Mingkit    Second week of June
               12 Atambua                  Ps. Dolfie Jan Mingkit    Second week of June
               13 Timor Leste              Ps. Dolfie Jan Mingkit    Second week of June
                                            SEMESTER II
               14 Siborong-borong, North Sumatera  Ps. Adri Lamajido  July
               15 Sumbawa Besar, West Nusa Tenggara Ps. Sontje Sorongan  End of July
               16 Parigi, Central Sulawesi  Ps. Ferry Bella          August
               17 Palu, Central Sulawesi   Ps. Adri Lamajido         August
               18 Poso                     Ps. Alex Maukar           August
               19 Maluku                   Ps. Alex Maukar           September
               20 Papua Nugini             Ps. Jeffry Rengkung       Sep 14th-16th
               21 Papua                    Ps. Jeffry Rengkung       Sep 14th-16th
               22 Tomohon (Youth Camp)     Ps. Morris Watuseke       Sep 1st-2nd
               23 Bukit Tinggi             Ps. Adri Lamajido         October
               24 Mamuju                   Ps. Alex Maukar           Second week of November
               25 Pakistan                 Ev. Daniel Andriano       End of November
               26 Nias                     Ev. Ratna Dewi
               27 Lampung                  Ev.  Ratna Dewi
               28 Batam                    Ps. Ferry Bella

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