Page 149 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 149

The Annual Gathering was performed in NJE’s head office, in Sunter, Jakarta, in 2015.
            In fact, in the beginning of January 2015 there were heavy rains in several consecutive
            days which had flooded many parts of Jakarta including Sunter area.
                    Some of NJE activists from Jakarta were isolated in their areas and blocked
            from attending the gathering. But some were able to come including several
            outside-java regional coordinators who came from the Soekarno-Hatta airport. Thank
            God for His protection and blessings so that the gathering could be implemented
            quite well.

            Here are some snapshots of the gathering taken in the head office. Monthly meetings
            for  coordination,  praying  and   praising  activities  and  a  little  bit  of
            secretariat-administrative works were also done in this building. Until this time no
            Mukernas book had been prepared as were done in the next following Mukernas i.e.
            Puncak (2016), Denpasar (2017) and Batam (2019).

            2014: Jakarta’s Monthly Gathering at NJE Headquater, Sunter, North Jakarta.
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