Page 151 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 151

The results of the performance of the evangelization in the year 2014 and
            several related charts were given below. The total number of crusade locations
            finished in that year was 21 locations with 70% of locations were split equally among
            5 provinces i.e. South Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, East Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi
            and East Nusa Tenggara. Each province had contributed 14% of the total performed
            crusade locations.
                    The distribution of crusade locations based on the reference pastors was also
            equal among 5 pastors. It showed that the active pastors who had proposed and
            guided the crusades until the successful implementations were of the signicant
            Koreksi 1 (Tabel n Charts 2014)di bawah ini:

            1.Tabel:Reference utk East Java: Ps Paulus Jayadi.Utk
            North Maluku, reference: Ps Farly Masengi. Utk
            Central Java: Ps Yakub Istiono sebenarnya adalah Ev
            Yohanes n Paulus.(Jadi kedudukan P Jayadi=Dolfi M= 2
            locs, sedangkan Ev Yohanes n Paulus= Ps Farly M= 1
            loc). Dan ada 9 province dan 9 reference.

            2.Chart:based on Reference: Terdapat 8 sector,
            seharusnya 9 sector. Sector yang kurang:Ps Farly M
            (5%), Yakub Istiono diganti Ev Yohanes & Paulus (5%).
            Jadi sector Dolfi M dibagi dua menjadi 7.5%, masing2
            utk Dolfi M dan P. Jayadi.

            3. Charts (dua2nya): Seminar + s = Seminars.

            Mohon bantuan Esy utk settle ini. Thx, GBU n Fam.
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