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Evangelical Services based on NJE Annual Gathering 2017, Denpasar, Bali.

                                          Ps. Dr. Drs. Hein Watuseke M.Th

            The Opening Words from the Head of Gathering Committee 2017.

            The conferences that cost millions of rupiahs have taken up a lot of time and energy
            in the preparation, in fact, the atmosphere and results of which are often quickly
            forgotten because they are not well documented in the form of books/writings. On
            the other hand, many of the results of conferences over years are unforgettable and
            even influential in the history of subsequent developments because the results are
            recorded quite well.

                    The NJE Mukernas held at the beginning of 2017 has run well, smoothly and
            successfully in the atmosphere of God's love. The fellowship taking place in the
            gathering has refreshed and strengthened the participants’ spirits. The gathering has
            also managed to plan the program to be implemented. We welcome and thank the
            Lord Jesus that the results of the 2017 NJE Mukernas held on January 13-15, 2017 in
            Bali could be published in a book form. Thanks to the team that has already worked
            to prepare it.

                    We believe that the publication of the book of the 2017 NJE Mukernas’
            results will be very beneficial for NJE members and those who read it in carrying out
            the duties of our calling i.e. Jesus’ calling especially in the spirit and determination to
            carry out the great commission of the Lord Jesus. The great commission for all of us is
            basically to go and make disciples of all nations, baptize them in the name of the
            Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  And teach them to do all the commandments of God.
            God is with us until the end of the world (Matthew 28:19-20).

                    Now is the time of the great harvest, lift up your eyes and see all the fields
            that have turned yellow and are ready for harvest (John 4:35). Thank you, Lord Jesus,
            for blessing NJE.
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