Page 175 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 175

The Title of the Gathering’s Sermon.

            In this Bali gathering the words of God, the sermon, has been titled as follows:
            The Spiritual Monster of the End of Age: Having Christ-like Body but Monster Head.
            The sermon was based on Matthew 6: 24.
            For the interested readers the complete sermon is available and can be found in
            INJE’s website (to be established later).

            The Already-implemented Crusades in 2016.
            The planned-and-scheduled crusades in 2016 which amounted to 58 cities (towns)
            were mostly materialized. The said achievement consisted of the domestic crusades
            of 39 cities (towns) and the overseas crusades of 3 cities (towns) i.e. total of 42 cities
            (towns). The lists of cities (towns) can be seen below.
                    The cancelled crusades were usually due to unprepared local committees,
            failures to obtain the permits, failures to agree on the budgets, sudden changes on
            schedules etc.

                     List Of Locations Of The Implemented Overseas Crusades In 2016.
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