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            Pentavision of (I) NJE.

            Pre-pandemic Evangelical Services of NJE.

            Periods and Characteristics of Evangelisation.
            On the (Bi)Annual Gatherings and Evangelical Services.

                    Evangelical Services based on the Annual Gatherings 2014 – 2015.

                    Evangelical Services based on the Annual Gathering 2016.

                    Evangelical Services based on the Annual Gathering 2017.

                    Evangelical Services based on the Bi-Annual Gathering 2019.
            Post-pandemic Evangelical Services of NJE.

            On the Post-Pandemict Evangelical Services: Revival Mission Trips.

                    Friendship-Mission Trip to New Jersey and Oklahoma, USA, 2022.

                    Restorative Mission Trip to Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, 2022: The First Post-
                    Pandemic Domestic Crusades to Donggala, Palu and Sigi.

            Administrative Issues.

             NJE and INJE on Facebook and Instagram.

             INJE Website.

             (I)NJE Media Team.

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