Page 5 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 5


            This book is intended for INTERNAL USE ONLY i.e. for members and supporters of the
            evangelical ministry of International New Jerusalem Evangelism (INJE), its
            trans-national networks and all churches of God abroad which have established the
            joined crusades, evangelical works and services with INJE. Furthermore the book is
            also dedicated to the future partners of INJE including all pastors, evangelists,
            activists and members of churches around the world who happen to get connected
            to, invite or establish the joined crusades, works and services with INJE in serving
            Lord Jesus Christ and implementing His Great Commission to all nations.
                  The book was designed to give information about NJE and the will-be INJE
            mostly about what God has done for, through and about NJE, and His people in
            connection with God’s work related to the Great Commission performed by (I)NJE in
            Indonesia and the other countries which have already been visited and served by
            (I)NJE up to the year 2022. Frankly speaking when NJE was started none of us had
            ever experienced and involved direcly in the happenings of ‘miraculous healings’ or
            ‘miracles’ or ‘supranatural events’. After more than 2 decades, up to now and in the
            future, (I)NJE’s activists have become the witnesses of God’s miraculous work for His
            people and will continue to witness for God. Some chosen examples were briefly
            discussed in this book for the sake of clarity.

                  In this occasion I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of them,
            without whom and/or their efforts, this book would never have existed. Firstly, I
            would like to thank to all members of NJE’s Media Team as previously mentioned.
            Many thanks were also directed to all NJE preachers, evangelists and activists
            including the praying teams and financial supporters. Finally I also thanked to all
            members and local crusade committees and also all pastors, evangelists and activists
            of all churches which have invited, sponsored NJE and/or established the joined
            crusades, works and services with NJE. Hallelujah! Praise Lord Jesus Christ!

            Jakarta, December 2022.

            The NJE Team Leader.
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